General information

Calling card

Company: Festival Ljubljana
Company in English: Festival Ljubljana
Seat: Trg francoske revolucije 1
Date of foundation: 11.11.1954
Entry into the register of companies: 10002900
Business activity code: 90.040
Registry number: 5053277000
VAT identification number: SI74608002


Information about the Organs of the Public Institution:
The Ljubljana Festival Board:
Eva Strmljan Kreslin, Davor Buinjac, Franc Slak, Jadranka Dakič, Alenka Banovec, Members
The Expert Council of the Ljubljana Festival:
Tomo Vran,  President
Andrej Drapal, Vesna Ovčak, Members

Artistic and General Director:

Darko Brlek
The Ljubljana Festival was as a public institution founded by the municipality Ljubljana.
The Ljubljana festival is a member of the European Festival Association (EFA) and the International Society of Performing Arts (ISPA).